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Yunus Emre

Ilim ilim bilmektir ilim kendin bilmektir

Sen kendini bilmezsen ya nice okumaktir

Okumaktan ma'ni ne kisi Hakk'i bilmektir

Cun okudun bilmezsin ha bir kuru emektir

Okudum bildim deme cok taat kildim deme

Eri Hak bilmez isen abes yere yelmektir

Dort kitabin ma'nisi tamamdir bir elifte

Sen elif dersin hoca ma'nisi ne demektir

Yunus Emre der hoca gerekse var bin hacca

Hepisinden iyice bir gonule girmektir

Yunus Emre


Yunus Emre

Knowledge is to understand To understand who you are.

If you know not who you are What's the use of learning?

The aim in learning is To understand God's Truth.

Because without knowledge It is wasted hard labor.

Do not say: I know it all, I am obedient to my God.

If you know not who God is That is sheer idle talk.

Twenty-eight syllables You read from end to end.

You name the first `alpha'' What can it possibly mean?

Yunus Emre says also Let me receive what I need.

The best possible thing Is to find perfect peace.

Yunus Emre (?1238-?1320)